About Vessel Schedule Service

It is a unique service provided by Shipmagz.com. Through this service you can remain update with latest schedule of Vessels with its date of arrival, date of departure and also date of closing. Main Features of this service is may describe as under :


  • Vessel Name & Voy: It will tell Name of Vessel and its Voyage No
  • Vessel Type and Flag of Vessel: It will tell what type of Vessel it is, either it is Containerized Vessel or Bulk and Vessel and also of which country's flag it has.
  • PTC & Berth No.: It will mention the authority of premises or authority of port where vessel is calling or landing, Berth No will tell that where the vessel will call or which area of port is allotted to the Vessel for unload cargo.
  • Closing Date/ETA/ETD: Through feature of Closing Date you may know the last date of booking on the Vessel, it is normally a date of one day before arrival of Vessel. ETA will tell the date of arrival of vessel at the port and ETD will tell departure date of Vessel. 
  • Line Name & Agent Name: Line Name feature will tell the name of Shipping Line or the owner of the vessel or a company that hold all the responsibility of the cargo loaded on the vessel. Shipping Agent is a representative of Shipping Line, which hold all responsibility of loaded cargo on behalf of Shipping Line.
  • EGM & IGM: Export General Manifest and Import General Manifest, these are the two documents issued by the local customs authorities before arrival of Vessel to the port and it contain all the detail about cargo loaded on the vessel.
  • Demrge Dry & Demrge Ref: Demurrage is a penalty charged by the port authorities and it will start after finishing free time. Demrge Dry refers to the Demurrage start time for normal/dry container and Demrge Ref refers to the Demurrage start time for Reefer Containers.
  • Shed No: Every Vessel allots a shed over the premises of port where the cargo is shifted after unloaded from the vessel. This feature will tell the Shed No, provided by port authorities to the Vessel.
  • Load for Port (s): This portion will tell the name of ports for those the cargo has loaded for, or these are the names of destinations ports of those cargo is loaded on the Vessel, it can be one port or more than one port.
  • Note/Remarks: This portion contain special information or instructions related to the Vessel.


Below picture will explain you this feature more easily, If you still need more detail, you can contact us without any hesitation at info@shipmgz.com


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